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Public Health and Primary Care

Impact of a clinician-directed educational program on communicating with patients regarding gun violence at two community urban healthcare centers

Erik Langenau, DO, MS, MAPP; Alexa M. Kaminsky, BS; and Michael B. Roberts, PsyD
In this quality-improvement study, the authors investigated an educational program designed to help clinicians talk to their patients about gun violence, prevention, and available resources to support and treat those impacted by gun violence.
Medical Education

Recent and future trends in osteopathic orthopedic surgery residency match rates following the transition to a single accreditation system

Morgan Turnow, DO; Minali Nemani, BS; Nithin Gupta, BS; Hayden Hartman, BS; Taylor Manes, DO; Tyler Williamson, DO; and Arianna Gianakos, DO
This study aims to investigate recent match rate trends in orthopedic surgery within the past 5 years, and also to forecast match trends for both MD and DO students to further analyze the future projection of the orthopedic surgery match.
Medical Education

A comprehensive review of clinical experiences and extracurricular activities for US premedical students applying to osteopathic medical schools

Samuel Kadavakollu, PhD; Thu Dang, BS; Jasleen Bains, BS; Jared Ham-Ying, DO; Boris Boyanovsky, MD; Mahboob Qureshi, MD; John Graneto, DO; and Sherese Richards, MD
This review aims to determine how US premedical osteopathic and allopathic students gain clinical experiences and extracurricular activities that enhance their application and increase their chances of admission into a medical school of their choice.

Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Receives an Impact Factor!

The Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM) recently received an Impact Factor! The JOM’s current Impact Factor is 1.5 and the journal will be included in the “Medicine, General and Internal” category. Read more about this monumental achievement here.

Proposed Amendments to AOA Governance Documents

View the proposed amendments to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Governance Documents, which will be presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates on July 19-21, 2024.

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Tumid lupus masquerading as rosacea

A 43-year-old woman presented to our clinic in September 2023 for evaluation of a burning eruption on the face. The patient was initially seen at an outside dermatology clinic one year prior and diagnosed with rosacea which was treated with topical azelaic acid and oxymetazoline cream. The eruption progressed over the following months to include the upper chest and was associated with a burning sensation. Read more